United for ALICE
ALICE represents the 27% of West Virginians who work, but struggle to survive. ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE earns above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but makes less than what’s needed to afford basic essentials. ALICE often earns too much to qualify for government assistance, and there is no room in ALICE’s budget for emergency expenses. If you combine WV […]
Benedum Foundation Announces New Senior Program Officer
Benedum Foundation Announces Bill Woodrum as Senior Program Officer PITTSBURGH (May 11, 2022) – Bill Woodrum has been named Senior Program Officer at the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation where he will lead community and economic development initiatives in West Virginia. He was congratulated by the Chair of the Benedum Board of Trustees, Lloyd Jackson, who […]
Benedum Foundation Announces Mary Hunt’s Retirement
The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Congratulates Mary Hunt for 22 Years of Service The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation announces the planned retirement of its program director for community and economic development, Mary Hunt. A native of Clarksburg, West Virginia, Ms. Hunt joined the Foundation on December 1, 1999. Lloyd Jackson, Chair of the Foundation’s Board […]
City Of Solutions Community Meetings
The substance use crisis is affecting our communities in many complex ways. Addressing this issue takes a collaborative community approach and a shared vision. The Bernard McDonough Foundation, in partnership with Marshall Health’s Addiction Sciences is presenting a “City of Solutions” presentation in cities across the state. This presentation outlines innovative and evidence-based approaches found […]