Serving Nonprofits. Strengthening West Virginia.

OMB Uniform Guidance

compass-1028422_1280In 2014, the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) put new grantmaking rules into effect, but many nonprofits still haven’t taken advantage of them. These new rules require governments at all levels that hire nonprofits to deliver services to reimburse those nonprofits for their reasonable indirect costs when federal dollars are part of the funding stream. You may not have considered these rules in the past because your organization doesn’t have a federal grant, but a large percentage of state and local grants and contracts contain money from the federal government, so these new cost-saving rules could still apply! Read on and click on the links below to learn more about how you can take advantage of these new rules.


National Council of Nonprofit’s OMB Uniform Guidance Landing Page

Know Your Rights and How to Protect Them


“Benefiting from Government Grant Reforms: What Nonprofits Need to Know to Be Reimbursed for Indirect Costs”

These FREE trainings will cover:

•    Indirect, Overhead and Administrative Costs – Definitions and Difference
•    Understanding the Costs in Your Nonprofit
•    Indirect Cost Rates and Different Methodologies
•    Whether and How to Negotiate a Federal Indirect Cost Rate
•    Public policy implications
•    And more

Who Should Attend: Nonprofit executive directors and CFOs with state or federal grants/contracts and any nonprofit staff with responsibility for budgeting, accounting, or grant/contract compliance.

Presenter: Beth Bowsky, Policy Specialist, Government-Nonprofit Contracting at the National Council of Nonprofits and one of the country’s leading experts on this issue.

August 10 – Morgantown, WV (Click here for more/to register)
1:00 – 4:00 PM

August 11 – Charleston, WV (Click here for more info/to register)
1:00 – 4:00 PM
