Principles & Practices
For Nonprofit Excellence
West Virginia’s nonprofit organizations provide a wide variety of valuable services and products that are essential to communities across the state. The success of these nonprofits is dependent upon public confidence and support.
The West Virginia Nonprofit Association, in partnership with Dr. Susan Aloi of West Virginia Wesleyan College and a team of stakeholders, has developed these Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence to serve as a model for West Virginia nonprofit organizations to guide their operations and practices, enabling them to meet their missions.
The Principles & Practices are intended to describe best practices in managing and governing nonprofit organizations. These principles provide benchmarks to help an organization determine how efficiently and effectively it is working towards its mission and provide recommendations for improvement.
Click here for a printable version of Principles & Practices.
Click here to take the Principles & Practices Assessment and develop a personalized, prioritized report card and action plan for your organization.
Click here to explore the Principles & Practices Resource Library. (Note: You may be asked to log in again. You just need to re-enter the same information you use to log-in to the WVNPA website).
This year, we are integrating Principles and Practices into our programming once again by introducing our Principles and Practices Curriculum. This will include trainings on each of the eight principles to include webinars, workbooks, regional workshops, etc. to be introduced over the next few years. This project is brought to you with support from the First Energy Foundation.