Spring Roundtable Panelists
Panelist Contact Information:
- Fairmont
- Laurie Ablidso, Vice President
- Your Community Foundation of North Central WV
- laurie@ycfwv.org
- 304-296-3433
- www.ycfwv.org
- Zanquetta Gray, Deputy Regional Administrator
- AmeriCorp Mid Atlantic Region
- Zgray@americorps.gov
- AmeriCorps.gov
- Holly Webb, Regional Marketing & Communications Manger, WV
- Huntington Bank
- holly.webb@huntington.com
- 304-685-3335
- Tabitha Surface, Technical/Grant Writer
- WV Grant Resources Center
- tabitha.surface@mail.wvu.edu
- 304-534-7432
- wvgrantcenters.com
- Sarah Campbell, Health Program Officer
- Pallottine Foundation of Buckhannon
- skcampbell@pallottinebuckhannon.org
- 304-397-5955
- pallottinebuckhannon.org
- Laurie Ablidso, Vice President
- Lewisburg
- Zanquetta Gray, Deputy Regional Administrator
- AmeriCorp Mid Atlantic Region
- Zgray@americorps.gov
- AmeriCorps.gov
- Anne Bowling, Executive Director
- Greenbrier Valley Community Foundation
- info@gvfoundation.org
- (o)304-645-5620
- (c)304-611-3778
- www.gvfoundation.org
- Liz Caporelli, WV/VA Portfolio Manager
- AmeriCorp Mid Atlantic Region
- Ecaporelli@americorps.gov
- 202-876-7740
- AmeriCorps.gov
- Zanquetta Gray, Deputy Regional Administrator
- Charleston
- Bill Woodrum, Senior Program Officer
- Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
- bwoodrum@benedum.org
- 412-246-3644
- Dr. Michelle Foster, President & CEO
- The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
- mfoster@tgkvf.org
- 304-346-3634
- Emily Brammer, Technical/Grant Writer
- WV Grant Resources Center
- brammer35@marshall.edu
- 304-972-9140
- wvgrantcenters.com
- Laura Boone, CEO
- Pallottine Foundation of Huntington
- lkboone@pallottinehuntington.org
- 304-397-5955
- pallottinehuntington.org
- Liz Caporelli, WV/VA Portfolio Manager
- AmeriCorp Mid Atlantic Region
- Ecaporelli@americorps.gov
- 202-876-7740
- AmeriCorps.gov
- Bill Woodrum, Senior Program Officer
- Parkersburg
- Jillian Winters, WV/VA Senior Portfolio Manager
- AmeriCorp Mid Atlantic Region
- Jiwinters@americorps.gov
- AmeriCorps.gov
- Heather Foster, Regional Administrator
- AmeriCorp Midwest Region
- Hfoster@americorps.gov
- AmeriCorps.gov
- Bill Woodrum, Senior Program Officer
- Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
- bwoodrum@benedum.org
- 412-246-3644
- Bob Boone, President
- Bernard McDonough Foundation
- rboone@mcdonoughfoundation.org
- 304-424-6280
- www.mcdonoughfoundation.org
- Renee Steffen, Executive Director
- Sisters Health Foundation
- rsteffen@sistershealthfdn.org
- 304-44-6080
- sistershealthfdn.org
- Morgan Saunders, Co-Director
- WV Grant Resources Center
- saundersm@marshall.edu
- wvgrantcenters.com
- Amy Nahley, Senior Program Officer
- Parkersburg Area Community Foundation
- amy.nahley@pacfwv.com
- 304-428-4438
- www.pacfwv.com
- Jillian Winters, WV/VA Senior Portfolio Manager
- Wheeling
- Beth Collins, Executive Director
- Sisters of St. Joseph Health & Wellness Foundation
- ecollins@ssjhwf.com
- 304-907-0849
- www.ssjhealthandwellnessfoundation.org
- Jess Puglisi-Sanders, Program Officer
- Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley
- jess@cfov.org
- www.cfov.org
- Tina Carinci Morris – Independent Consultant
- Development, Grant Writing, Marketing, Video, & Strategic Planning
- tina@tinacarincimorris.com
- Beth Collins, Executive Director